Hey / G’day / Hei / Hallå,
You can now preview your banner ads on websites from UK, Australia, Norway, and Sweden too. When you upload your own banner ads, you can pick the sites you like to preview on. Earlier we added some international, Dutch, and German sites. Since today your also able to preview your ads on:
United Kingdom:
Desktop site
- Theguardian.co.uk
- Independent.co.uk
- Telegraph.co.uk
Mobile site
- Theguardian.co.uk
- Independent.co.uk
Desktop site
- Smh.com.au
- News.com.au
- Gumtree.com.au
- Realestate.com.au
Mobile site
- Smh.com.au
- News.com.au
- Gumtree.com.au
Desktop site
- VG.no
- Aftenposten.no
- Finn.no
- TV2.no
Mobile site
- VG.no
- Aftenposten.no
- Finn.no
Desktop site
- Dn.se
- Aftonbladet.se
Mobile site
- Expressen.se
- Dn.se
- Aftonbladet.se
Adpiler is a huge time-saver
“Before using Adpiler, we hosted the banners on our own server and created a simple HTML-file to list them all. That took us a lot of time. Adpiler is a huge time-saver for us.”

John Doe
Founder Adpiler