What ad sizes should your ad set contain? What ad sizes are most popular? How many ads is the best to have in your ad set?
To answer those questions, Adpiler did a research, based on data from multiple ad exchanges and inventory sources. In total more than 600 billion ad impressions were analyzed to come up with the Ad Size Monitor 2017. The most recent version is in our Ultimate Guide for Banner Ad Sizes and Dimensions.
Find below the infographic with all data, which you can use to make your ad set as efficient as possible.
Most popular ad sizes:
- The 300×250 is the most popular ad size. 34% of all ad impressions is this medium rectangle
- The mobile banner, 320×50, is number 2, followed by the leaderboard 728×90
- Those 3 ad sizes (300×250, 320×50, and 728×90) count for 70% of all ad impressions
- If you also add the wide skyscraper (160×600) and half page (300×600) to your ad set, your ad set fits to 80% of all ad impressions
- Besides that top 5, the market is splintered with more then 15,000 different ad sizes.
How are those ads viewed?
- If we count all global ad impressions, 49% is triggered from the desktop and 51% is triggered from a mobile device (phone or tablet)
- There are huge differences between countries. In the United States 72% of the ads are shown on a desktop, but in Brazil and Japan that’s only about 43% and 45%.
Adpiler is a huge time-saver
“Before using Adpiler, we hosted the banners on our own server and created a simple HTML-file to list them all. That took us a lot of time. Adpiler is a huge time-saver for us.”

John Doe
Founder Adpiler