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Our biggest update this year

September 16, 2024

We’re excited to announce some fantastic new updates to Adpiler! These improvements are designed to make your work easier and expand what you can do on our platform. Let’s dive into the details of what’s new.

1. Major Update: Now Supporting Multiple Languages

Big news: Adpiler’s client-facing pages and emails can now be set to various languages including English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, and Spanish. Customize your interactions to match your clients’ preferred languages, improving their experience and your communication.

Your platform will remain in English, but you can now tailor the client-facing pages and emails to meet your clients’ language preferences. Simply change this in your White-label settings.

2. New! Add Text to Campaign Previews

You can now include a brief introduction or instructions on each campaign’s preview page. This feature helps you communicate better with your clients, setting the stage for what they’re about to see.

3. Introducing Instagram Reels Mockups

Create and preview Instagram Reels directly on Adpiler. This new tool ensures your content looks just right before it goes live.

4. Social Mockups: Easier Carousel Management with Duplicating Cards

Speed up your carousel creation by duplicating cards. Adjust the copy on the new card as needed to fit your design faster.

5. More Small Tweaks to Improve Your Experience

We’ve made several small changes:
– a new search function in the team member list
– better editing of social mockups
– improved text handling in long social mockups
– full support for all emoji types.
These tweaks make Adpiler smoother and more user-friendly.

Adpiler is a huge time-saver “Before using Adpiler, we hosted the banners on our own server and created a simple HTML-file to list them all. That took us a lot of time. Adpiler is a huge time-saver for us.”
John Doe


Founder Adpiler