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Words and images go hand in hand. The image should further emphasize the text and the text should further emphasize the image. Take this Nikon banner advert as the perfect example. It uses images and word psychology to portray how powerful their camera is: Birds are known for their great vision, with many having the…
There are two things you need to consider when choosing the right colors for your client’s banners: brand colors and color psychology. Brand colors — these are the colors used by your client on their website, logo, and other marketing materials. Color psychology — this is the effect certain colors have on our minds; different…
75% of consumers say they are frustrated when a business serves them content, such as ads, that are not relevant to their interests, whereas marketers who do use personalization notice, on average, a 19% uplift in sales. Personalization and localization is key to creating successful banners. With the average consumer consuming thousands of ads per…