Developing new features creates new feature requests. And that’s what we love 🙂 We love to hear experiences and suggestions from our customers.
Recently we rolled out grouping on preview pages and videos. Features that are available for all our accounts by the way. Now we have rolled out the 2 most requested features for those 2 new features.
Sorting groups
Creating groups on your preview page helps you to get better overview on the files on your preview pages. Manage many files on 1 single preview page and still have the overview, thanks to groups. Now you can also change the order of the groups. Simply click the arrow up or down next to the group to move the group.
Autoplay and loop for video
You can upload image files, HTML5 ads and video to your preview pages. By default, videos don’t have autoplay and looping. But since today you can change. If you have any video file on your preview page, go to Settings and find the options Video Looping and Video Autoplay. Both can be enabled independent from each other.

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